No, this is "Wonderland like we've never seen it". Sounds promising!
I just bought the softback version of this and so far, it's pretty good. I really can't spoil much, as I just began reading it myself, but I wanted to post on it before I moved on and forgot.
It's definitely worth getting.
So, basic summary:
"Years have passed since Alice took her trip down the rabbit hole. She is no longer the little girl you once knew. Alice is now a grown woman with a husband and kids, living the everyday life of a typical housewife. But everything is not what it seems.XD
Alice's mind has become detached from reality, leaving only an empty shell of her former self. Now her daughter, Calie, will follow in her mother's footsteps to discover the truth behind madness that plagues her mother and the twisted world called Wonderland where the story of Alice was only the beginning."
Buy it or borrow it or something.
It's definitely better than the Titans Prelude XD
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