Monday, July 27, 2009

Blackest Night #2

Definitely better than the first issue.

Bleez (the vampiric Red Lantern) got a spotlight in this one and it was very entertaining. She was a princess and nice person that was changed when she was captured by the Sinestro Corps and tortured at their hands.

It was actually kind of depressing.

I was most interested, though, in the story of Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire) as she was inducted back into the Star Sapphires. I haven't really read Green Lantern for a while, so the look back on her love life was nice. Great art, by the way. Much better than the last issue. Gene Ha and Pete Pantazis did a fabulous job (maybe not their best ever, but I thoroughly enjoyed it).

The finaly tale was about Blume, this kind of member of the Orange Lanterns (he eats the most prized posessions of worlds...).

The issue was a bit predictable, but all in all, better than issue #1. Keep up the good work!

P.s. Yes, there were some other stories and thing,s but Kiliwog has never interested me.

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