Just picked this up yesterday (it said it was new... and it said "Gotham City"... how could I resist?) and it's alright.
This is the oddest series I have read in a while, and that's really saying something.
It starts with Selena going on about how she still feels crappy and basically tells everything that's been going on. She was beaten up by like a mugger or something, and, strangely, Poison Ivy comes to her rescue. Do they have some kind of villainous understanding or something? So, Harley is living with Ivy (which is kinda crazy) and Ivy is like "wth?" when it comes to Selena, who is still shaken about the whole "had-heart-taken-out-of-body-by-Hush" thing.
And somehow the Riddler's in it...
Anyway, then Ivy drugs Selena to ask what Batman's secret identity is (not so nice after all).
That's when the issue ends, with a hair-splitting cliffhanger. I really wonder how they managed to pitch this. I mean, it's not bad, just weird. I guess because it goes well with the whole Batman: Reborn thing.
So, in issue 2...
I like the little trick Selena uses to not have to tell the identity of Batman. Thanks Talia al Ghul! It felt like Harley and Ivy were just going through the motions, not really feeling it, because it just seemed mechanical in the writing. Most of the story is that way, actually, making it seem superficial, as if nothing important is going on in the story for the entire issue(s?). It's a bit forgettable. It could be a pretty good series, but the writer needs to step up.
I'm trusting Paul Dini to keep this good, because DC has been really weak lately. The art I didn't like too much. Too...exaggerated? It's got that thing where women wearing almost nothing pose in impossible ways thing. It's weird. Maybe I'll grow to like it.
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