I love Trinity. I really do.
But the further it gets in the series, the more difficult it becomes to follow.
Take issue #42. I got it.
Cheetah vs. Black Adam - check!
The godlike Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman - check!
Hey! Wait!
Yeah, that's where I got confused too. Thankfully, looking back on the Trinity title, I understand now.
It involves a dream, Morgaine Le Fey, and the multiverse.
That's where I stopped.
I just get too freaking confused when the multiple Earths thing happens.
So, so very confused.
Le Fey is trying to destroy the Trinity (Batsy, Supes, and WW), along with Despero. I got that far.
I really do like what Wikipedia has to say about Morgaine trying to understand "why them?"
"As she studies their targets, Morgaine realizes why each third of the Trinity holds his or her share of the power: Batman is the pinnacle of human achievements, physical and mental; Superman is the ultimate freedom fighter, with an absolute will; and Wonder Woman's message inspires all around her to do what is right to the end."I think I'm gonna try re-reading it.
You should too.
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