My friend has this mini and I just had to read it. I mean, it has Deadpool in it! And he's one of our favorites here at Haphazard Heroines!
So, this is called Suicide Kings and here goes the commentary:
There's been a lot of Deadpool about lately, whether he's in his own book or one of several crossovers (including Messiah War).
This is a funny mini and there is a bunch of mayhem, as usual.
Some rich kid wants Deadpool to kill a bookie for a million dollars, which Deadpool readily agrees to. Somehow, he realizes that this kid isn't going to pay him (wow, when did he become able to do that?), but he's really into women, which he can get with money, so that's why he agrees.
I like the "Hooters" reference, casually called "Knockers". XD
So, we figure out that the plot isn't as easy as it sounds, as the Punisher and a villain named Tombstone are main characters.
I really like the jokes cracked by Deadpool, as usual, and I really like that, even though the plot doesn't make sense half of the time, they just keep it going, making jokes and continuing with the convoluted plot.
I definitely liked the first issue, and I haven't read two, three, or four yet, but, all in all, I'm excited to see where this small series will go.
Also, really big fan of the fantasy wedding to the Knockers girl. Meeeeeow!
Tim Seeley According to THE MADDOWIAN CHRONICLES he was the one destined to save the great republic of America and dethrone the overpaid despots of the time.
Join Barack, Sorceress Hilaria, her demi-god trickster husband Biil, Overlord Boosh and Chainknee of the Elephant Kingdom. Who can the lone barbarian trust, if anyone?
Just picked this up yesterday (it said it was new... and it said "Gotham City"... how could I resist?) and it's alright.
This is the oddest series I have read in a while, and that's really saying something.
It starts with Selena going on about how she still feels crappy and basically tells everything that's been going on. She was beaten up by like a mugger or something, and, strangely, Poison Ivy comes to her rescue. Do they have some kind of villainous understanding or something? So, Harley is living with Ivy (which is kinda crazy) and Ivy is like "wth?" when it comes to Selena, who is still shaken about the whole "had-heart-taken-out-of-body-by-Hush" thing.
And somehow the Riddler's in it...
Anyway, then Ivy drugs Selena to ask what Batman's secret identity is (not so nice after all).
That's when the issue ends, with a hair-splitting cliffhanger. I really wonder how they managed to pitch this. I mean, it's not bad, just weird. I guess because it goes well with the whole Batman: Reborn thing.
So, in issue 2...
I like the little trick Selena uses to not have to tell the identity of Batman. Thanks Talia al Ghul! It felt like Harley and Ivy were just going through the motions, not really feeling it, because it just seemed mechanical in the writing. Most of the story is that way, actually, making it seem superficial, as if nothing important is going on in the story for the entire issue(s?). It's a bit forgettable. It could be a pretty good series, but the writer needs to step up.
I'm trusting Paul Dini to keep this good, because DC has been really weak lately. The art I didn't like too much. Too...exaggerated? It's got that thing where women wearing almost nothing pose in impossible ways thing. It's weird. Maybe I'll grow to like it.
No, this is "Wonderland like we've never seen it". Sounds promising!
I just bought the softback version of this and so far, it's pretty good. I really can't spoil much, as I just began reading it myself, but I wanted to post on it before I moved on and forgot.
It's definitely worth getting.
So, basic summary:
"Years have passed since Alice took her trip down the rabbit hole. She is no longer the little girl you once knew. Alice is now a grown woman with a husband and kids, living the everyday life of a typical housewife. But everything is not what it seems.
Alice's mind has become detached from reality, leaving only an empty shell of her former self. Now her daughter, Calie, will follow in her mother's footsteps to discover the truth behind madness that plagues her mother and the twisted world called Wonderland where the story of Alice was only the beginning."
Very excited for this one. Batman goes to Moscow because the guy in charge of the mob in Russia wants to take over the Gotham City mob, so, of course, Batman can't let this happen.
Wait, I thought he was dead?
Deadpool - Merc With a Mouth #2
I've been waiting for the second part of this.
Head Case Pt. 2 - he sees his own zombified head?
And I thought the last issue was good!
Doom Patrol #1 -
I've talked about it before, so we know it's gonna be great. I pre-ordered it online because my local comic store sucks XD
What I am NOT Reading:
The Death of the New Gods.
Sorry, DC, but it's boring and confusing. I had to reread the issues like three times to kind of understand...
Dick Grayson is one of my all-time favorite DC Characters. I really love him! But I hate reading the newest Batman and Robin series, because, as much as I love Nightwing, I love Batman more.
As another comic blogger has stated, there is the old "different personalities" dynamic between Dick and Damian, which a Dick and Tim combo would lack, as they are more like brothers.
But Damian gets to me. I didn't like him in Batman and Son or Battle for the Cowl. He's just annoying. And I really like Tim.
So, don't get me wrong, it's a good series, but I really hate reading it (but I do anyway).
So, Batman and Robin #3 is coming out soon and, yes, I'm going to buy it.
Recap and Review!:"Batman" and "Robin" are up against the Circus of Strange, which are pulling a Gotham-City-Psychopath move and attempting to kill them. There's this guy named Professor Pyg, and they have to defeat him too. But! There's this scarlet hooded person hanging around in the shadows in the upcoming issue. Funny, I swear there's been a red-hooded person in the Batman stories before...*cough*RedHood*cough
I'm not usually into Spider Man, but it's going to have the return of Mary Jane and some pretty good art.
Plus, the only other thing I have to read is Blackest Night.
I have kinda missed Mary Jane for a while, even if she is a bit of a Mary Sue (and so is Superman in my opinion, but they keep writing stories about him...why not Mary Jane?).
Bleez (the vampiric Red Lantern) got a spotlight in this one and it was very entertaining. She was a princess and nice person that was changed when she was captured by the Sinestro Corps and tortured at their hands.
It was actually kind of depressing.
I was most interested, though, in the story of Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire) as she was inducted back into the Star Sapphires. I haven't really read Green Lantern for a while, so the look back on her love life was nice. Great art, by the way. Much better than the last issue. Gene Ha and Pete Pantazis did a fabulous job (maybe not their best ever, but I thoroughly enjoyed it).
The finaly tale was about Blume, this kind of member of the Orange Lanterns (he eats the most prized posessions of worlds...).
The issue was a bit predictable, but all in all, better than issue #1. Keep up the good work!
P.s. Yes, there were some other stories and thing,s but Kiliwog has never interested me.
Apparently, Emily wasn't always confident and weird. She used to be a normal kid.
Anyway, she gets this heirloom on her 13th birthday from some relative or whatever and apparently it's "the key" to unlocking her fate and her past, or something.
But El Viego (the villain here) is totally not into this and is determined to get the heirloom!
I'm not going to spoil anymore, because you should read it. I really liked it.
But the further it gets in the series, the more difficult it becomes to follow.
Take issue #42. I got it.
Cheetah vs. Black Adam - check!
The godlike Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman - check!
Hey! Wait!
Yeah, that's where I got confused too. Thankfully, looking back on the Trinity title, I understand now.
It involves a dream, Morgaine Le Fey, and the multiverse.
That's where I stopped.
I just get too freaking confused when the multiple Earths thing happens.
So, so very confused.
Le Fey is trying to destroy the Trinity (Batsy, Supes, and WW), along with Despero. I got that far.
I really do like what Wikipedia has to say about Morgaine trying to understand "why them?"
"As she studies their targets, Morgaine realizes why each third of the Trinity holds his or her share of the power: Batman is the pinnacle of human achievements, physical and mental; Superman is the ultimate freedom fighter, with an absolute will; and Wonder Woman's message inspires all around her to do what is right to the end."
It focuses on Mary Ann (remember her from the book?), the White Rabbit's cleaner. She has an obsession with dirt, which kind of makes sense that she's a housemaid.
Anyway, The Queen of Hearts thinks that the White Rabbit was working with Alice to knock her down off of her throne. But...Alice is gone. So, she's going to persecute the White Rabbit. I'm pretty sure that in issue #2, they're on the run from the queen.
Oh, and the Cheshire Cat is there. XD
The art is incredibly, kind of a mixture of styles. We love it!
In issue #4, the Cheshire Cat has tricked the White Rabbit to lead the monstrous Jabberwocky into the royal gardens. And, of course, our heroine is in a little bind as well, trapped somewhere.
On one hand, I really like the Titans and really don't want to bash them.
On the other hand, this was not the best done Titans comic. It wasn't even close.
It wasn't horrible, but it was pretty bad. Pretty much the only okay thing was the art. The plotline, or what it's going to become (I don't know, I haven't read too much into the Deathtrap series), seems shoddy and the writing is sub-par.
I mean, it could have been good.
I feel for Static. This was his introduction to the Titans label, and this is what they stick him in?
The New York Post recently spoke to director Todd Black, who has said:
"We're just coming up with who the villain's going to be now. We'll be shooting in New York again. Trust me, people will appreciate who we pick, because it'll be a big part of New York." He also adds that "the villain will be one of Spidey's foes from the comic, not a character invented for the film."
Possibly Kingpin, who is generally seen as a major Spiderman foe. There are major ties between them in the comics and he hasn't been in the movies yet. If only Green Goblin was still around...
Ya know, Lizard would be a good choice! Some people think that's who it will be.
A Justice League movie entitled Justice League: Mortal is set to come out in 2011, the same as the Green Lantern movie and the forthcoming third Batman flick.
Wow, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and the others got screwed out of their own movie franchises.
And, apparently, neither Christian Bale or that guy who played Superman (never can remember his name...) are going to be in it, which leaves us fans starving for some continuity.
According to, the movie is going to be a direct comptetitor against the May 4, 2012 Marvel flick, The Avengers, which should involve Robert Downey, Jr. aka Iron Man.
The JLA movie is going to be directed by George Miller (Happy Feet, Lorenzo's Oil, Twilight Zone: The Movie) while the Avengers movie will (possibly) be directed by Iron Man pro Jon Favereau.
In talking with several online writers during Comic Con, Marvel executive Kevin Feige discussed the process of bringing the Marvel universe together in feature films with The Avengers, and how they plan on doing it on a grand scale. "I get to cheat because it's been done before in comics. It's not how the dots connect — we might be changing them a little bit — but it's that experience of reading comics we're trying to bring to movies, to people who've never opened a comic book before."
On the other side, the Justice League movie will involve Aquaman.
The supposed "Batman" for the movie is actor Armie Hammer (what a name!), who could tell a little about the movie before it was halted due to the writer's strike.
"I would spend hours training with actual guns to prepare me for this stuff," Hammer said. "It was very intense. Our workout regimens were so rigorous that most of us would vomit."
He added, "We weren't trying to get ourselves aesthetically good looking. We were trying to get ready for the demands of shooting."
He's already been fitted for the superhero costume, which he says features functioning equipment, including trademark Batman weapons like spring-loaded titanium Bat-erangs. "I was looking down, and I was thinking, This is the best," Hammer said off the first time he put on the entire ensemble. "Then I stood up, and they turned me around, and I faced a mirror—there was Batman. But then it hit me like a ton of bricks—it's not just Batman, it's me!"
On the subject of the Avengers film, though, the Marvel executive stated that they were attempting to weave many characters into the story. He also said (from
"My only concern is that whichever character's franchise we're launching that it stands on its own two feet. With Iron Man being the first one out of the gate, thank goodness that's what happened. Now everybody loves Iron Man [and] it's our job to do the same thing with Thor and the same thing with Captain America two years from now so by the time The Avengers comes in 2012 it's not just a team superhero movie with just a bunch of characters with powers, it's these three people — four including the Hulk — five including Nick Fury, that you've seen in other movies before now coming together for the very first time."
This issue includes both Supergirl and my personal favorite, Raven.
Kara is having problems with her dreams ever since she found out that her dad planted her on Earth to kill Kal-El (Superman) and the entire human population. So, she goes to Nightwing, who she has a crush on, and he points her to Raven.
They really do have a lot in common (terrible fathers, supposed to be killers, trying to do good...).
Anyway, Raven takes the Girl of Steel to Azarath, her home dimension, where the girl is put in a trance to help with her mind and stuff XD
All the time this is happening, some activist at a college goes on a killing spree with his creepy and mysterious powers. This all somehow revolves around his father, who we don't know.
So, he kills people and Raven and the monks of Azarath feel it, but they can't take Supergirl out of her trance just yet.
I do have to say two things that were bad about this issue.
1) The whole subplot of the kid going on a killing spree...not as exciting as it sounds. I tried to read it, but mostly flipped through those sections.
2) There wasn't much of a climax. Huh. Maybe next issue...?
All in all, this was DC heaven. I loved the art, as I usually do with this series. The Brave and the Bold is a good series in the same way that the Rann-Thanagarian Holy War is a bad series.
Megan Gwynn was a normal Welsh teenager...except that she was actually a mutant. When she was in an accident involving her bike and a car, she manifested rainbow colored wings that allowed her to fly. She enrolled in the Xavier Institute under the name of Pixie and worked under Wolfsbane.
After the events of M-Day, she was one of the 27 students to not lose her powers.
In the events of Limbo, she used her other powers for the first time, releasing a "pixie dust" that gave hallucinations to the demons attacking the small group of students that she was with, including Blindfold, a girl she didn't like much. The mutant hero Magik took part of Pixie's soul, which left black magic in the hole, making her much less innocent than she had previously been, including the turning of her pink hair partially black.
Pixie was to be taught by Doctor Strange in the ways of the mystical arts.
She had many issues with her teleportation powers that she learned from Magik, as well, and was there when Professor X was killed.
Her wings now appear dead and blackened.
For the full story on Pixie, take a look around the Marvel Database page on her. There are some good pictures. See you next Sunday for another Marvel Character Spotlight.
Check the blog on Wednesdays for a DC Character Spotlight!
Another good Birds of Prey. Why did they have to cancel it?
So, Blood and Circuits has a couple of interesting plot lines:
- Black Canary raising an assassin child named Sin and subsequently quitting the Birds of Prey - The Society goes after Lori Zechlin aka Black Alice in the attempt to recruit her, but the BOP interfere - A strange new Batgirl (not Cassandra or Babs) arriving in Gotham and beating up criminals. She is revealed to be a meta, who changes her codename to Misfit and joins the Birds - An assassin named Yasmin wanted Huntress's head on a platter - Oracle recruiting an almost entirely new BOP and then sending them to the Mexican desert to rescue a crime lord's daughter in exchange for his cooperation with the FBI - An old friend of Babs, Spy Smasher, comes out of nowhere and attempts to take down Oracle, who she knows is Babs. - Lois Lane meeting up wit Babs and trying to ferret out her secrets (look for the Superman/Lois yumminess!) - Judomaster and Gypsy are totally out of bounds while Big Barda and the other BOP members are fighting the government.
There is a great ending, with Babs doing something so un-Babs-like.
32-year old Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds (The Proposal; Definitely, Maybe) has been cast in the new Green Lantern movie, to play the main role, which is Hal Jordan, not Kyle Rayner.He beat out Justin Timberlake and Bradley Cooper (thank the lord!). The movie is scheduled to start production in January. He better give Hal some respect.The director of Casino Royale is going to be doing it. His name's Martin Campbell.Ryan has some experience in comic films. He was in the not-so-following-storyline movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine as everyone's favorite mercenary, Deadpool, and he is supposed to get a Deadpool movie as well.He's even been in talks about starring in the DC Comics spin-off (rip-off) on "The Flash", one of the most recognizable faces in comics.
"I'm such a huge fan of the character. I get to be the authentication police, in a weird way," Reynolds told MTV News about the upcoming "Deadpool" movie"
Well, good luck. It better not suck or hundreds of DC lovers will attack and be very angry.
I know that the Birds of Prey comic has been canceled, which is an exceptionally sad thing, though some of the later issues were a bit lackluster. It didn't go out with the bang you expected from Huntress, Black Canary, or Oracle. Actually, it kind of went out with a whimper.
So, lo and behold, I found two collections of BOP comics that are nice to have. I'd actually only read one of them before I got these.
Birds of Prey: Perfect Pitch was right on tune. I loved how The Calculator was obsessed with finding out who Oracle was. It was really funny. His letter to her sounded perfect for the OCD Calculator.
Dear Oracle, Allow me to introduce myself... I'm the man who's going to bury you, your friends, and your family.
Meaning no disrespect or malice, of course.
You're simply in the way, my dear.
I'm sorry for all the machination. But I knew you would eventually HAVE to check these blueprints, and I really DID need to contact you.
I want Luthor's satellites back, Oracle. And if I don't get them... Well, then I'm going to have all of your operatives assassinated in one brief thunderstorm of blood.
C'mon, admit that was kinda funny XD
I'm also a big fan of Babs telling her dad, the former Commissioner Jim Gordon, that she was the information broker to the world's greatest heroes. She goes on to explain about Batgirl, but apparently...duh duh duhhhhh...he already knew.
Maybe he should have said something to Batman, because ole' Batsy seemed pretty upset that she had let her father know. But then again, he was already pissed about Huntress still working in Gotham, so maybe it just spilled over a bit.
So, to wrap the rest up, it's Black Canary vs. Deathstroke, which can only end badly, of course. The mercenary fell over the side of a building after being blinded by Canary and annoyed by Lady Blackhawk.
My personal favorite part is Huntress, who had been operating in Gotham, forcing an Italian mob to make her their capo and pissing off Batman in the process, giving the information on all mobs to Batman, who grudgingly says that it's excellent work.
Then Canary makes out with him ("No, honest, it was...kinda hot, really. Like kissing your principal while on detention.") and we all go home.
Until Shiva shows up, that is. Naming herself The Jade Canary, she trades life experiences with Canary, who is in a living hell in another country. After being beaten up by Prometheus, she leaves and Canary, who didn't want to be Shiva's apprentice in the end, comes back with a small girl named Sin.
I have been waiting anxiously (so, it's only been like a week) for the next installment of the Bullseye/Deadpool stuff. Yay!
Deadpool is like my fave Marvel character (yeah, Wolverine and Psylocke are other faves).
"As the chaos and wanton destruction of their continued battle reaches critical mass, both Deadpool and Bullseye come to the same realization: They don't want this to end!"
They're still writing about Aquaman and his cohorts?
I never liked them.
Tempest returns in this Blackest Night tie-in. I actually haven't read Blackest Night but some of my friends say it should be good.
I love that Raven's still in the Titans. She could have gone on to bigger and better things, but she didn't. She even oculd have just dropped out of the Titans and stayed in high school full time, but no. She didn't. God, I love her.
So, apparently, Blackest Night is about a prophecy or something involving the Green Lantern Corps and Hal Jordan, my least favorite Lantern. Oh, wait, no, that's Guy Gardner. I do love Kyle Rayner though.
Blackest Night is highly anticipated and it actually came out on the 15th, so I'm going to attempt to find it at Big Monkey.
But I shall read this nonetheless. I actually already have this one! Yay!
Red Robin #1 (2nd Printing) is very good. Me gusta, for sure. It's for after Battle for the Cowl (which made me cry).
"Writer Chris Yost (New X-Men, X-Force) and artist by Ramon Bachs (Civil War: Front Line) kick off a brand-new ongoing series right here with 'The Grail' part 1 of 4! Following the aftermath of BATTLE FOR THE COWL, a new Batman watches over Gotham City.
But not everyone is ready to give up on the old one. Someone believes that Bruce Wayne may still be alive...and that someone is Red Robin. But who is wearing the Red Robin costume, and why is he traveling the globe looking for a dead man? Whoever he is, he's not alone in his search!"
Madame Xanadu (previously the sorceress that enchanted Merlin) has another volume coming out.
It's called Disenchanted, and it sounds pretty good.
"The fast pace [is] instantly immersive, as is Amy Reeder Hadley's finely detailed, complicated art, which is almost shockingly pretty. B+" - The Onion
"The book looks lovely and reads well." - Variety
It's about her origin, apparently.
"Thrown into worlds of war and men, she encounters a dark stranger who knows both her past and future. This debut volume reveals Madame Xanadu's centuries spanning origin from Camelot to the court of Kubla Khan to 1940s New York City and beyond..."
I've know this for a while, but I haven't had my computer for a while.
So, Batman isn't dead.
Darkseid's Omega Sanction didn't kill him after ole' Batsy shot the radion bullet at him (I can't get over the use of a gun). The Omega Sanction is described as the "life that is death" and just sent his consciousness into a parallel universe. He was sent to the distant past (just his mind, not his body - but how can someone have their mind exist separately from their body?) and he is able to watch the passing of Anthro.
Wow. That's a lot to take in.
Thankfully, executive editor at DC Comics, Dan DiDio had this to say:
"He's not dead, though he'll definitely be gone for a while. Batman and Bruce Wayne have been here long before me and they'll be around long after me."
Well, we kind of knew that already. Why kill of one of their biggest moneymakers? Well, it allowed them to have Battle for the Cowl, which was pretty darn depressing.
Grant Morrison, writer of some of the most amazing comics (Killing Joke, Final Crisis, a whole bunch of others), has said that he is giving a "fate worse than death" that "no one would expect." Well, you got that right, Grant. No one expected you to kill off Bruce.
Now be a good adolescent-minded writer and bring him back.
I'm sorry, DC Comics, my one true love, but you don't have anyone quite as funny as Deadpool, though I like the (purposeful?) relationship between Deathstroke and Deadpool. Wade Wilson and Slade Wilson. It even kinda rhymes.
Here are a collection of funny Deadpool images from comics that make me smile. ^ yeah, above.
The Dark Knight was a blockbuster hit, raking in millions of dollars for Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Aaron Eckhart, and Christopher Nolan. Now, rumors about a third Batman movie are surfacing.
Villains in the Batman movies are always highly anticipated. Ever since the horrendous Riddler (Jim Carrey) and the idiotic Two-Face (Val Kilmer), fans of Batman, both the shows and the comics, have been waiting for true villains to be in a Bat-flick. Well, so far we've had the amazing Ra's Al Ghul (Liam Neeson), the Joker (Heath Ledger), and the Scarecrow (Cillian Murphy); all of which were played perfectly. Now, the third Batman movie (rumors, remember?) have suspected villains. Many believe that Angelina Jolie will be playing the feline fatale Catwoman (previously played by Michelle Pfeiffer), but Hollywood Newsroom is claiming that these rumors are exactly that...rumors. They say that Maggie Gyllenhaal, who was killed off during The Dark Knight is going to be playing Batman's long time love interest in the comic books. Says Hollywood Newsroom,
"Our source close to Maggie Gyllenhaal confirmed that she’s excited about the next movie, why else would she, or Katie Holmes for that matter, take on the thankless roll of Rachel Dawson? After Katie left the roll, they could’ve create a new character. But that wasn’t part of Nolan’s plan. This is the trajectory he’s planned for Rachel since the first movie. Not only is Maggie contractually obligated, but she’s already getting in shape for Batman 3.”
Yes, we know that Rachel Dawes is DEAD, but there are some ways around that (Lazarus Pits, she never really died, etc.), but Nolan has been very careful about keeping away from the unbelievable.
According to The Mirror, though, Catwoman is to be played by 62-year old singer Cher, who is said to be Nolan's first choice if her were to use Catwoman. He wants her like a "vamp in her twilight years", according to the same source, and Nolan wants her to be "the complete opposite" of the previous incarnations of Catwoman. If this is true, though, then Nolan is going way off character by not sticking to the comics like he previously has.
Another villain considered by many is the Riddler, whom people believe would be played by Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd, Pirates of the Caribbean, Edward Sissorhands, the upcoming Alice in Wonderland). is saying that these rumors are completely true.
"That’s a stone cold fact. Why are we so sure that Johnny Depp will play The Riddler in Batman 3? Because Johnny Depp recently briefly mumbled something desperately ambiguous about it possibly being quite fun to maybe play The Riddler during a local radio interview with his band."
David Goyer, the screenwriter of the Batman movies, has said this in response to the Catwoman and Riddler rumors:
"Batman has been published for 70 years. In the first movie, we used Ra's Al Ghul and the Scarecrow, who had not been in the movies before, and had not been in the '60s TV show before... There are dozens if not hundreds of other characters that fit that bill. Everyone says it's got to be the Penguin or Catwoman [in the next film]... well I completely disagree."
Next, it is said that the Penguin, rumored to be played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, will be in the Batman 3 move. Apparently, when Michael Caine (Alfred) was interviewed on MTV News, he was asked who he would like to be in the next installment of the saga. He said, and I quote:
"It’s Johnny Depp as The Riddler. And The Penguin is Philip Seymour Hoffman. I read it in the paper."
You may not believe this, but he also said, "
“When Christopher [Nolan] said we were going to do ‘The Dark Knight’ next, I didn’t know what that meant in Batman terms. I said, ‘What’s the story?’ and he said 'The Joker'. I said, ‘Oh, s–t! How are you going to top Jack [Nicholson]?’ He said, ‘Well, I’ve cast Heath Ledger. And I went ‘Ha! I couldn’t top Jack, but if anyone could, maybe Heath could.’ And he did. “I was with [a Warner Bros.] executive and I said, ‘Are we going to make another one?’ They said yeah. I said, ‘How the hell are we going to top Heath? And he says ‘I’ll tell you how you top Heath — Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin.’ I said, ‘S–t, they’ve done it again!’” [Laughs]
The Warner Brother execs could have been joking, or changed their minds, but I find it unlikely that Nolan will let them bring back anyone who has been previously used (Joker is a special case as he is the Caped Crusader's biggest nemesis).
A final rumor is that Aaron Eckhart (who played the DA gone bad, Harvey Dent) will be coming back, but Eckhart confirmed it himself that his character (Dent) is dead.
"He is dead as a door nail. He ain’t coming back baby! I asked Chris [Nolan] that question and he goes, “You’re dead” before I could even get the question out of my mouth. “Hey Chris, am I...?” “You’re dead!” Alright, cool."
As there are so many rumors, Warner Brothers must have a lot of difficulty squashing untrue facts. But that isn't their biggest problem. Christian Bale, who plays the titular Dark Knight, and only reluctantly signed onto another movie, is reportedly bailing on the third movie. He said in an interview that he "didn't even want to think about it [the movie]."
The release schedule for the third Bat-flick is unknown, but several of the crew are saying that winter 2009 is the time to look for it. This is unlikely, as that is only two movie seasons away and it took Nolan two years to make The Dark Knight.
Oh, and Gary Oldman (Harry Potter, Batman Begins) had better be in this one, because he was just made Commissioner and he's my favorite character.
Who knows what the next movie will hold, but no matter what it is, I'm sure it will be another stunning production from Christopher Nolan.