Did anyone like Wednesday Comics?
I don't think I enjoyed them that much. Though the Metamorpho wasn't that bad.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Smallville Returns, Less than Spectacular Support

Yes, yes. Smallville has returned for a groundbreaking ninth season (isn't Tom Welling a little too old to be pre-Superman now?). Sadly, the show has had a schedule change, to 8:00 p.m. EST/7:00 p.m. Central on Fridays (pretty much the dead end zone of all that is television).
Even us here at Haphazard Heroines missed the first two episodes because, well, we were out doing something else! We're not Perez Hilton, you know :D
The first episode this season, Savior, takes place three weeks from the end of season eight. Now, remember, Lois had transported herself via flight ring to the future, Jimmy is dead, Clark had turned his back on humanity, Chloe is barely living, Green Arrow and the others have dropped off the radar, Tess Mercer was hunting down Kryptonians, and the world was saved from Doomsday.
Okay, now that we're all caught up...
The first episode shows Clark, now only Kal-El, in his new uniform, black trench coat and black shirt with the family crest on it (the infamous 'S'!). He is very, very distracted from his previously uninterrupted work with Jor-El due to the mysterious reappearance of Lois Lane, whom he admits to enjoy talking to (Chloe seems hurt). He saves her, she doesn't realize she's been gone and still likes the Blur way more than she should. She meets John Corben (to all you DC fans, the name should be a tip off, dontcha think?), who ends up taking Clark Kent's spot at the Daily Planet (Clark is "visiting family indefinitely"). He's a tool.
So, now we have a distracted Clark, an even more curious Lois (possible? unsure...), a slightly annoying John Corben, a sad and a little disappointed Chloe, and...other characters.
Now, Tess Mercer has been chilling with the Kryptonians who pretty much vanish into thin air after crowning Zod their leader once again (some had strayed from the path!). She, being Tess, has to know what's going on (bring back Lex! We all know he's not dead!)
Blah, blah, blah. Lois hunts down Green Arrow and deems him a loser, blah, blah, blah...wait, what? I do loves me some Justin Hartley.
Oh, and there's an assassin hunting Clark. He kills her though (supposedly).
End of the episode - Chloe asks for Clark to go back in time and save Jimmy. He states that he can't, that he's seen what happens when he tampers with time (ummmmm his father dies?), so he says no. Chloe bites back that there is nothing human left in him before leaving the Kent barn, where the fight between the assassin and Clark went down. Lois dreams that night of things that we must assume happened in the future. Including sex with Clark. Yowza!
Second episode - called Metallo. Hmmmmm :D
Long story short, Corben becomes the infamous Metallo, beats the living crap out of both Lois and Clark (who can't get near him - kryptonite battery), Chloe starts up the Watchtower again, and Clark admits that he can't protect society if he isn't one of them.
He restarts his career as Clark Kent, Daily Planet Reporter (future husband of Lois Lane?).
Oh, and Tess gives Lois's job back to her, though she's spying on her. Eep!
I really enjoyed this part.
Enjoy, all of my little Smallville addicts. I am one of you!
DC Comics,
Green Arrow,
Lois Lane,
5/5 I think :D

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies is out, and it stays pretty true to the comics. It's nice, actually. I just wish they'd had Starfire say a bit more and Superman say a bit less :D I just love hearing Kevin Conroy and Clancy Brown though (sorry Tim Daly). Voice acting kudos to them!
It is nice, though, when Batman sacrifices himself for Earth, how Supes refers to him as his "best friend" as he beats up Lex Luthor. That really tweaks the heartstrings.
Watch the movie here.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Superman Being Taken Away From DC?

I do NOT believe this!
Time to revolt? Yes, yes, yes!
If I am wrong in any of this, please let me know.
Supes - In GL Too?

Today is the day Superman might get a real comeback by forcing himself upon everyone who loves comics.
See here to learn all about the incredibly juicy information on the lawsuit with DC and Warner Brothers against the heirs of Jerry Siegel. Here's a bit to whet your Superman-loving appetite.
Have at it!
"The judge, who conducted a 10-day bench trial, also noted that Warner Bros. chairman Alan Horn had testified that he hopes to make another “Superman" movie but added that the property wasn’t under development at the studio, that no script had been written and that the earliest another “Superman” pic could be released would be in 2012."
DC Comics,
Green Lantern,
Ryan Reynolds,
Tron Legacy Date

Wow, this blog has been about film a lot lately.
Remember: December 17, 2009.
That's when Tron Legacy comes out. The sequel to the Tron from 1982, it's going to go head to head with Michael Gondry's Green Hornet, starring Seth Rogen.
Which do you think will do better?
For more information on the original Tron, click here.
Yes, it is True. Superman Gets Another Movie!

Stupid, stupid, stupid. The last, like, three didn't do too well in the DC Comics viewer demographics.
This is the official plot synopsis that has since been removed from Slashfilm,
“Ramping up the action of its esteemed predecessor, the sequel to ‘Superman Returns’ promises to raise the stakes and take the audience to heights of action that no other superhero movie can achieve.”
Now, Bryan Singer may or may not be included in the reboot, but a while ago, the Wall Street Journal announced that there will be asequel in the near future.
Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes — known as “Batman vs. Superman” — after the $215 million “Superman Returns,” which had disappointing box-office returns, didn’t please executives. “‘Superman’ didn’t quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to,” says Mr. Robinov. “It didn’t position the character the way he needed to be positioned.” “Had ‘Superman’ worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009,” he adds. “But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all.”Oh, and Kevin Spacey is confirmed for the movie (good or bad news? I'm sick of Luthor by now).
For now, let us see how the production goes...
Green Lantern Troubles?

According to Inside Film, The Green Lantern shoot, which is to be held in Australia, might be on hold for now! And it's all due to production costs!
"Warner Bros is understood to be negotiating with the NSW State Government to receive a higher level of concessions in an effort to claw back between $US15 and $US25 million in value eroded by the currency gains."
Yet, according to Slashfilm.com, the movie will be shooting in part around New Orleans. As long as it gets done, I say!
Ryan Reynolds will be playing the part of Hal Jordan, the most well-known (yes, I am aware that this point can be argued) Green Lantern.
DC Comics,
Green Lantern,
Hal Jordan,
Ryan Reynolds
Deadman Gets a Director - Finally!

The movie based on the DC Comics supernatural star Deadman has finally earned the right to a director, apparently. According to DC On Film.com, the Danish director Nikolaj Arcel.
Deadman is a ghost that was murdered in a circus in which he worked. Formally named Boston Brand, he got a cool superhero name and decided to seek out his killer and protect people.
For more information on Deadman, see here.
Wonder Woman Review

Yes, we here at Haphazard Heroine just got around to watching this movie. How sad.
We give it a 4/5. It was well done and well written, yet we felt like the fight scenes were a tad too long. We enjoyed the portrayal of Steve Trevor, though, and the way that Hades was done had us laughing.
Despite the feminist undertones and the fact that Wonder Woman is now a murdered (before Maxwell Lord, even!), it was a good movie with several funny lines ("You seem as eager to meet me on the battlefield as you did in the bedroom, Hippolyta." "I only hope you prove more skilled in this arena, Ares." ). Diana had a strange shaped face though.
But! Rosario Dawson was in it, and she is a great actress and had a perfect voice for Artemis. Keri Russell did the voice of Diana quite well, as did all of the other voice actors.
It was actually quite suggestive, from the word rack to castration to suggestive sexual intercourse.
On a final note, this was a good movie, well worth an hour of your life.
"They're messing with Lincoln. Nobody messes with Lincoln!" - Steve Trevor.
Have a nice day.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
As everyone is well aware (I hope), there is a new DC movie coming out, starring Batman and Superman, entitled Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (didn't I read a comic called the same thing? Oh, yes, I did).
The movie focuses on the same thing in the comic: a kryptonite meteor is heading straight for Earth, following Superman, so President Lex Luthor orders Superman to turn himself in. Instead, he goes to Batman. They are attacked by villains (Mongol, Solomon Grundy, Silver Banshee and Lady Shiva being among them) and then heroes (Captian Atom, Major Force, Starfire, Black Lightning, etc.). So, Batman and Superman have to team up.
Actually in the movie, the kryptonite meteor "drives Superman mad, leading him to commit murder".
And, via Batman on Film.com, we have stills from the upcoming animated movie. Hopefully, you can name them yourself, as I am too lazy to.

This movie will have the voice of Kevin Conroy for Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, and Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor. Others include: John McGinely (Metallo), LeVar Burton (Black Lightning), Xander Berkley (Captain Atom), Allison Mack (Power Girl), Ricardo Chiavera (Major Force), CCH Pounder (Amanda Waller), and a bunch of others.
Bruce Timm (Batman Animated Series, Superman Animated Series) is the executive producer, while Alan Burnett is editing the already amazing script.
Screenwriter Stan Berkowitz has worked on a lot of DC Animated movies. He's doing this one as well, and was interviewed about the movie. On the topic of why he decided to pen this particular movie, he stated:
When asked about how he felt adapting a well known story, he said,
He also, when the interviewer wonders what it is like writing Batman and Superman together, says:
Extra Information
For the DVD Version on Amazon, click here.
For the Blu-Ray edition, click here.
For the 2-Disc Special Edition, click here.
The movie focuses on the same thing in the comic: a kryptonite meteor is heading straight for Earth, following Superman, so President Lex Luthor orders Superman to turn himself in. Instead, he goes to Batman. They are attacked by villains (Mongol, Solomon Grundy, Silver Banshee and Lady Shiva being among them) and then heroes (Captian Atom, Major Force, Starfire, Black Lightning, etc.). So, Batman and Superman have to team up.
Actually in the movie, the kryptonite meteor "drives Superman mad, leading him to commit murder".
And, via Batman on Film.com, we have stills from the upcoming animated movie. Hopefully, you can name them yourself, as I am too lazy to.

This movie will have the voice of Kevin Conroy for Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, and Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor. Others include: John McGinely (Metallo), LeVar Burton (Black Lightning), Xander Berkley (Captain Atom), Allison Mack (Power Girl), Ricardo Chiavera (Major Force), CCH Pounder (Amanda Waller), and a bunch of others.
Bruce Timm (Batman Animated Series, Superman Animated Series) is the executive producer, while Alan Burnett is editing the already amazing script.
Screenwriter Stan Berkowitz has worked on a lot of DC Animated movies. He's doing this one as well, and was interviewed about the movie. On the topic of why he decided to pen this particular movie, he stated:
"In the comic book...it was assumed that everyone knew the backstory to how Luthor got elected President. But we needed...to show an audience, who might not be familiar with the comics, exactly what would have to happen for Luthor to be elected. I sort of envisioned Luthor ascending to the Presidency somewhere around 2012...I figured that something bad would happen, and then Democrats would be elected in 2008, they wouldn’t be able to solve the problem and, in 2012, a tough, Ross Perot-style third party bid would be the one who’d be elected."
When asked about how he felt adapting a well known story, he said,
"For Public Enemies, there was also the issue of credibility. We were concerned that if a person who vaguely knows Superman and Batman grabs this off the shelf and sees Lex Luthor as President, he might think, “hey, what’s going on here?” It might just put them off, or make them think this was an alternate world story. And that’s not how it’s advertised. The other credibility issue is that in the comic, Luthor believes that the meteor is coming to Earth because of Superman. As a reader, I could not get past the fact that the public buys Luthor’s explanation. I didn’t believe an audience watching this as an animated production would buy Luthor’s explanation. So Alan (Burnett) and Bruce (Timm) and I had to figure out an alternate way for Luthor to frame Superman. I think it worked very well."
He also, when the interviewer wonders what it is like writing Batman and Superman together, says:
"Well, Batman and Superman are opposites. Superman has always been presented as the character from the light, the daytime; Batman from the nighttime. They have decidedly different outlooks. Superman is the ultimate kid from Kansas, who had a real healthy upbringing. Batman is the tormented orphan. In a way, Superman’s outlook is too sunny, and Batman’s is too dark. The two of them work against each other, trying to temper each other’s attitude.Superman wants to cheer up Batman to a certain extent, and Batman wants to make Superman aware that there is a darker world under what Superman normally sees. It’s fun to create banter between them. It was also fun to adapt the banter that was in the graphic novel, and we used a lot of it. Jeph’s words were so good, we just pulled dialogue directly from the pages of the novel."
The DVD drops on September 29, so be ready, it's only a month (less!) away.
If you want more information:
The Full Interview with StanExtra Information
For the DVD Version on Amazon, click here.
For the Blu-Ray edition, click here.
For the 2-Disc Special Edition, click here.
Bruce Timm,
DC Comics,
Lady Shiva,
Friday, September 4, 2009
You Know, After All of the Times that Raven's Family have Tried to Kill the Titans, You'd Think They'd Learn Not to Mess With Anyone Related to Her

Titans - Old Friends, starring Donna Troy, Nightwing, Flash, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven, my personal favorite.
I have to say, as much as I don't like Judd Winick, I liked this graphic novel. The artwork was great, too (thanks, Ian Churchill and Joe Benitez).
I think it's time for a Haphazard Heroines Comprehensive Review! It starts out by recapping a tale of the original Teen Titans (well, maybe not original, but one of the first few). You even get to see Dick in all of his Robin-pantsless glory. Ah, it was worth the $25.
They're fighting Bizarro and the Joker (odd couple...actually, nevermind). The Joker is impeccably drawn. Even when he's frowning, it's still a smile XD
Skip to the present day. Cyborg is forming the Titans East. He asks for his old buddies, but all of them are somehow otherwise occupied with superheroic duties (actually, Raven is trying to fit in at high school, but that's pretty much a full time thing). Cy is disappointed, but he gets some cool characters for the Titans East (Hawk, Dove, Power Boy, Anima, Little Barda, Lagoon Boy, and Son of Vulcan).
Cy sets up a little game of tag, but in the end, Power Boy is murdered and the others end up all critical in the hospital. What was it Deathstroke once said? Or was it Jericho? "Kids shouldn't be heroes"? or something like that.
Well, one of them said it. Deosn't matter - both are pretty messed up.

Then Cy gets firebombed and we switch to Nightwing's POV.
So, Nightwing ends up in a fight with a bunch of creepy ninjas, a naked Starfire is almost devoured in Animal Man's pool in front of Animal Man's son, Raven is attacked by a demon in her high school, Red Arrow is on his bike when spikes shoot up from the ground to kill him, Beast Boy's home is on fire and melting onto his head, Donna Troy and Kyle Rayner are attacked while in outer space by something that looks like Kory's hair, and the Flash is taking a shower when sticky red stuff attacks his naked bod. Oh, and the New Teen Titans (Robin, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl, Supergirl, Ravager, Kid Devil, and Blue Beetle) are also attacked (by the ground, no less. I thought Terra was back, originally).
So, Batman helps out Nightwing, and the older Titans meet up together at the site of Power Boy's murder.
This is it. The moment we've all been waiting for - Raven announces that Trigon has returned.
Turns out Poppa Demon is attacking all former Titans - anyone who was a Titan ever. The older Titans and their mentors/allies/parents save Argent, Bumble Bee, Vox, Red Star, and Someone whose name I can't remember.
So, they really need to figure out what's going on, so Rae-Rae takes a trip to her father's realm. He actually isn't powerful anymore. He's frail and weak and has almost no power (still manages to almost strangle Raven, though...).
Oh, and he isn't alone now. The Titans hunt down anyone other than Angela Roth that might have had Trigon's kids, but all of the women are dead. Too bad their kids aren't. And they're annoying too.
They make Wally and Donna insanely jealous of each other, Nightwing and Starfire have passionate sex in somewhere that is not their bed, and Beast Boy and Raven go at it for a while.
Envy. Lust. Wrath. - sins, right?
It takes a while, but the kids are sort of defeated...if helping their father come to Earth and then sapping his power and leaving him alone is defeating them. They didn't get much power though.
There are a couple of cutsie BB/Rae moments (that I just so happen to love). They go get food, Starfire and Nightwing have a moment, and then back to Raven and Beast Boy.
Raven goes crazy, as usual. Really, I love it when this happens. The number of times she's helped her father! XD
Her brothers have come for her and take her to wherever her other brothers are. Donna Troy has a doohicky that takes them to Raven and they attack her and her evil brothers. Turns out, Raven is the sin of Pride. She takes her brothers powers and plans on giving them to her real family - the Titans. She's planning on killing Beast Boy to channel the energy, but the thing Donna got them to the place with glows and a phantom Raven comes out of it, defeating her evil side.
The novel ends with Jericho, who breaks into the Tower. He is unable to get out of the body of Match.
Wonder where that will take the old Teen Titans...
Hope you enjoyed the review and the comic (buy it.)
So, Nightwing ends up in a fight with a bunch of creepy ninjas, a naked Starfire is almost devoured in Animal Man's pool in front of Animal Man's son, Raven is attacked by a demon in her high school, Red Arrow is on his bike when spikes shoot up from the ground to kill him, Beast Boy's home is on fire and melting onto his head, Donna Troy and Kyle Rayner are attacked while in outer space by something that looks like Kory's hair, and the Flash is taking a shower when sticky red stuff attacks his naked bod. Oh, and the New Teen Titans (Robin, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl, Supergirl, Ravager, Kid Devil, and Blue Beetle) are also attacked (by the ground, no less. I thought Terra was back, originally).
So, Batman helps out Nightwing, and the older Titans meet up together at the site of Power Boy's murder.
This is it. The moment we've all been waiting for - Raven announces that Trigon has returned.
Turns out Poppa Demon is attacking all former Titans - anyone who was a Titan ever. The older Titans and their mentors/allies/parents save Argent, Bumble Bee, Vox, Red Star, and Someone whose name I can't remember.
So, they really need to figure out what's going on, so Rae-Rae takes a trip to her father's realm. He actually isn't powerful anymore. He's frail and weak and has almost no power (still manages to almost strangle Raven, though...).
Oh, and he isn't alone now. The Titans hunt down anyone other than Angela Roth that might have had Trigon's kids, but all of the women are dead. Too bad their kids aren't. And they're annoying too.
They make Wally and Donna insanely jealous of each other, Nightwing and Starfire have passionate sex in somewhere that is not their bed, and Beast Boy and Raven go at it for a while.
Envy. Lust. Wrath. - sins, right?
It takes a while, but the kids are sort of defeated...if helping their father come to Earth and then sapping his power and leaving him alone is defeating them. They didn't get much power though.
There are a couple of cutsie BB/Rae moments (that I just so happen to love). They go get food, Starfire and Nightwing have a moment, and then back to Raven and Beast Boy.
Raven goes crazy, as usual. Really, I love it when this happens. The number of times she's helped her father! XD
Her brothers have come for her and take her to wherever her other brothers are. Donna Troy has a doohicky that takes them to Raven and they attack her and her evil brothers. Turns out, Raven is the sin of Pride. She takes her brothers powers and plans on giving them to her real family - the Titans. She's planning on killing Beast Boy to channel the energy, but the thing Donna got them to the place with glows and a phantom Raven comes out of it, defeating her evil side.
The novel ends with Jericho, who breaks into the Tower. He is unable to get out of the body of Match.
Wonder where that will take the old Teen Titans...
Hope you enjoyed the review and the comic (buy it.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Guy Ritchie to Direct Lobo

Wow. Madonna's ex, Guy Richie, is going to direct a live-action version of Lobo. For everyone who knows nothing about Lobo, he's an alien bounty hunter that pretty much hates everyone, but really dislikes Supes.
This better be good.
In the film, instead of pale while and leathered up, he will be an everlasting, blue-skinned, 7-foot-tall, muscular antihero who drives an eccentric motorcycle and visits our planet looking for four fugitives bent on making trouble.
This has the potential to be either great or super sucky. Which do you think it will be?
And how will this work with the several other superhero movies coming out in the near future?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
JSA Classified #15 - A Game of Chance?

Not sure if this is new or not, but I'm putting it under that because I just got it.
I don't follow the JSA. Actually, I don't think any of us here at Haphazard Heroines follows them. Sure, there are some great characters, but why read JSA when you can have JLA?
My thinking exactly.
I liked this issue. It was comprehensive with several issues being cleared up at one time. We see Gypsy forced out of her body, Wildcat acting with no morals and showing how good he really is, and some insecurities of both Stargirl and Vixen. And even some anxious Green Lantern stuff.
It wasn't good though. There wasn't much flexibility, but they couldn't really go anywhere, being under mind control and all. It's not particuralry thrilling or anything, but I liked the characters and how they were portrayed.
No review for this one, just a statement that it was enjoyable but I probably wouldn't read it again.
DC Comics,
Green Lantern,
Justice League,
Justice Society,
New Releases,
Deathtrap Going Better Than Expected

Just read issue 12 of Deathtrap: Part One and it wasn't a piece of crap.
Well, it wasn't particularity good either. If Jericho is going to be bad, then make him bad, not some whimpering fool. I miss the days of Evil Joey in Azarath. Now, he's only caring about not being like his father, yet he initiated this "Deathtrap". Crazy guy.
So, this is after Joey (inside Cyborg) tried to murder the Titans and beat up Beast Boy pretty well (he admits that he had to turn into a salamander to get proper healing). You can practically feel the animosity between Raven and Beast Boy. Apparently, she denied him.
So, anyway, Ravager is still off of the radar after the whole Dark Side Club thing and Kid Devil is not so devilish anymore (bring Eddie's powers back!). Troia, Cyborg, Red Arrow, Raven, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Flash decide to fake Cyborg still being controlled by Jericho to bring out the Vigilante, who wants him dead for some reason or another. They do indeed manage to lure out the Vigilante, who shoots Cy in the head. How's that for a cliffhanger?
I liked the artwork. Unzueta wasn't bad. It's softer than some other issues of DC I have read lately. Keep up the good work.
More Batman Three News

According to sources, the third Batman movie may be produced in only IMAX footage, which would require Christopher Nolan to get new cameras and everything.
We hope not. There's something about the regular movie theatre that is invigorating.
Plus, in this economy, can they afford to make the entire movie in IMAX? And has Christian Bale even signed on? He has expressed his distaste for the subject of the movie before.
It's rumored to be starting filming next year.
Christian Bale,
Christopher Nolan,
Dark Knight,
DC Comics
Are We Forgiven?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
DC Spotlight, late once again.
Don't kill me!!!!
I've always been interested in the lore focused on Terra. She's interesting, what can I say? From the first incarnation being involved with Deathstroke, the second one from the future but secretly the real Terra, to the third incarnation, who is the subject of today's spotlight, I have read and been awed (okay, maybe not, but that's not the point).
Her name is Atlee, and she's from underground. Seriously. She's from an alien race of underworld ecologists who protect the Earth, like we don't have several heroes doing that already (Geo Force, Poison Ivy, Black Orchid, even the Blue Beetle's Scarab won't hurt nature).
So, she was given Tara Markov's powers. She hit the streets of New York and was first seen by Supergirl, whom she helped out. Still didn't have a name though.
So, she swooshed around the world helping people out until she met Power Girl, who brought her back to JSA Headquarters, where it was discovered that she was a genetic match to the "original" Terra (so, yes, Tara Markov, the international geokinetic love slave to a pedophile).
Atlee was pissed and took off, heading to Markovia, the home of Tara Markov and Geo-Force, She fought some evil bad dude with Geo-Force, but he was hurt and so she took him back to her underground home world, where, in the end, she got his blessing and his mind was wiped.
Well, wasn't that nice?
She worked with Geo-Force and Power Girl several times, and also the Teen Titans, being forced to participate in the Dark Side Club, which was bad. Very bad.
Try looking up the other incarnations of Terra here and here.
Review: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
I'm going to start this one out with stating that I don't like Superman, but I did enjoy Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Alan Moore was right on target with that one. It was a good tribute to the Man of Steel.
But, as much as I love Neil Gaiman (and I'm sure this was his intent), I didn't really understand Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
It started out in Gotham, as usual, and people are talking, but we don't see who. I mean, you assume that one of them is Batman, but whatever. Anyway, we follow Selina Kyle at first. She goes to a bar, talks with a dead man, and gets a bunch of cats to watch her car for her.
Then we see Alfred. Then we see Batman's dead body in a casket.
Depressing much?
So, the theory that it is Batman's disembodied voice we have been reading is confirmed when he is surprised to see himself in a coffin.
Two-Face, The Joker, Dick...all are at this "funeral".
People begin to speak. We start with Selina Kyle, who mentions her rooftop romance with the Caped Crusader.
Then we head on over to Alfred, who decides to explain that he was the Joker in the beginning, to keep "Master Bruce" alive.
a) when did it become alright for him to mention Bruce's name in front of his most hated enemies?
b) what the hell? Alfred is not the effing Joker!
That's when we stopped reading.
I'm sorry to everyone who wanted a full review, but I was utterly perplexed. I read a bit more, honestly, about the Penguin and the Joker, but I was just far too confused. So, instead, I watches eight seasons of Smallville and the pilot of Aquaman (with Justin Hartley aka Green Arrow as Arthur "A.C." Curry, also known as Orin. Whewww) that wasn't picked up by the CW. Good times.
I give it a 3/5.
I was confused as all get out, but the artwork was amazing.
But, as much as I love Neil Gaiman (and I'm sure this was his intent), I didn't really understand Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
It started out in Gotham, as usual, and people are talking, but we don't see who. I mean, you assume that one of them is Batman, but whatever. Anyway, we follow Selina Kyle at first. She goes to a bar, talks with a dead man, and gets a bunch of cats to watch her car for her.
Then we see Alfred. Then we see Batman's dead body in a casket.
Depressing much?
So, the theory that it is Batman's disembodied voice we have been reading is confirmed when he is surprised to see himself in a coffin.
Two-Face, The Joker, Dick...all are at this "funeral".
People begin to speak. We start with Selina Kyle, who mentions her rooftop romance with the Caped Crusader.
Then we head on over to Alfred, who decides to explain that he was the Joker in the beginning, to keep "Master Bruce" alive.
a) when did it become alright for him to mention Bruce's name in front of his most hated enemies?
b) what the hell? Alfred is not the effing Joker!
That's when we stopped reading.

I'm sorry to everyone who wanted a full review, but I was utterly perplexed. I read a bit more, honestly, about the Penguin and the Joker, but I was just far too confused. So, instead, I watches eight seasons of Smallville and the pilot of Aquaman (with Justin Hartley aka Green Arrow as Arthur "A.C." Curry, also known as Orin. Whewww) that wasn't picked up by the CW. Good times.
I give it a 3/5.
I was confused as all get out, but the artwork was amazing.
Alan Moore,
DC Comics,
Neil Gaiman,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Marvel Character Spotlight - Snowbird

Marvel Spotlight for this week is the hero Snowbird, also known as Narya.
A long, long time ago, the goddess of the Northern Lights had a kid with a human. She was made to prevent the Great Beasts from returning to Earth, and the leader of the Gods had made a barrier that only a halfling could pass, so the child was necessary. Michael Twoyoungmen was there to help the baby be born, and then he took the girl in.
Too bad she weakens if she leaves Canada's borders.
So, anyway, this guy took her in and she aged really quickly, and they were both recruited into Alpha Flight. She got the name Anne McKenzie as well, so she officially had a secret identity.
She fell in love, had a kid, and died a bit later. But that's not the interesting part.
No, she pulls a Green Arrow on us and comes back from the dead!
She comes back with a new body (because her old one was given to her teammate somehow...) and is no longer restricted to Canada's borders.
Then her marriage crumbled too.
So, we have one sad half-goddess to take care of.
I don't know. I like her; she seems interesting.
Ah, well, that's the Spotlight of a character you don't hear about all too often.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sorry for the Delay...

Time for the DC Comics Spotlight!
This week, it is time for...drumroll please...Komand'r!
Also known as Blackfire and featured on the Teen Titans animated tv show (which I used to love).
She's Starfire's older sister and the first in line for the throne. The day she was born, the evil Citadel attacked and killed a whole bunch of people in her name, and, even though it wasn't her fault, people still kinda blamed her for it.
To make it even worse, she couldn't fly like every other Tamaranian. This made her ineligible for the throne, and pretty much the entire population hated her. So, everything went to her younger sister, Koriand'r, whom she began to hate with a firey, burning passion.
She gave secret defense plans to the Citadel, who captured Tamaran easily. Part of the surrender agreement involved giving Koriand'r to the Citadel, which her parents did. Koriand'r was tortured by her sister and when Komand'r was about to kill her, they were captured by the science-loving Psions. They captured the two girls and performed horrific experiments on them, trying to see how much solar energy their bodies could absorb before they were killed. They were about to die, but Koriand'r escaped and let her sister free. Her sister knocked her down and had her taken away for execution, but Koriand'r escaped.
She has come back several times, attempting to murder her sister. She has been thwarted every time, thanks to Starfire and other heroes of the planet Earth.
Komand'r was seen during the Thanagarian/Rann War.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Here's Some Deadpool to Pass the Time...
My friend has this mini and I just had to read it. I mean, it has Deadpool in it! And he's one of our favorites here at Haphazard Heroines!
So, this is called Suicide Kings and here goes the commentary:
There's been a lot of Deadpool about lately, whether he's in his own book or one of several crossovers (including Messiah War).
This is a funny mini and there is a bunch of mayhem, as usual.
Some rich kid wants Deadpool to kill a bookie for a million dollars, which Deadpool readily agrees to. Somehow, he realizes that this kid isn't going to pay him (wow, when did he become able to do that?), but he's really into women, which he can get with money, so that's why he agrees.
I like the "Hooters" reference, casually called "Knockers". XD
So, we figure out that the plot isn't as easy as it sounds, as the Punisher and a villain named Tombstone are main characters.
I really like the jokes cracked by Deadpool, as usual, and I really like that, even though the plot doesn't make sense half of the time, they just keep it going, making jokes and continuing with the convoluted plot.
I definitely liked the first issue, and I haven't read two, three, or four yet, but, all in all, I'm excited to see where this small series will go.
Also, really big fan of the fantasy wedding to the Knockers girl. Meeeeeow!
I Don't Know Whether To Scream or Laugh
Barack the Barbarian?
This is the description:
Tim Seeley According to THE MADDOWIAN CHRONICLES he was the one destined to save the great republic of America and dethrone the overpaid despots of the time.
Join Barack, Sorceress Hilaria, her demi-god trickster husband Biil, Overlord Boosh and Chainknee of the Elephant Kingdom. Who can the lone barbarian trust, if anyone?
Overlord Boosh? Sorceress Hilaria? What's next? Princess Mi-Chelle?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Gotham City Sirens?

Just picked this up yesterday (it said it was new... and it said "Gotham City"... how could I resist?) and it's alright.
This is the oddest series I have read in a while, and that's really saying something.
It starts with Selena going on about how she still feels crappy and basically tells everything that's been going on. She was beaten up by like a mugger or something, and, strangely, Poison Ivy comes to her rescue. Do they have some kind of villainous understanding or something? So, Harley is living with Ivy (which is kinda crazy) and Ivy is like "wth?" when it comes to Selena, who is still shaken about the whole "had-heart-taken-out-of-body-by-Hush" thing.
And somehow the Riddler's in it...
Anyway, then Ivy drugs Selena to ask what Batman's secret identity is (not so nice after all).
That's when the issue ends, with a hair-splitting cliffhanger. I really wonder how they managed to pitch this. I mean, it's not bad, just weird. I guess because it goes well with the whole Batman: Reborn thing.
So, in issue 2...
I like the little trick Selena uses to not have to tell the identity of Batman. Thanks Talia al Ghul! It felt like Harley and Ivy were just going through the motions, not really feeling it, because it just seemed mechanical in the writing. Most of the story is that way, actually, making it seem superficial, as if nothing important is going on in the story for the entire issue(s?). It's a bit forgettable. It could be a pretty good series, but the writer needs to step up.
I'm trusting Paul Dini to keep this good, because DC has been really weak lately. The art I didn't like too much. Too...exaggerated? It's got that thing where women wearing almost nothing pose in impossible ways thing. It's weird. Maybe I'll grow to like it.
DC Comics,
Gotham City,
Harley Quinn,
Poison Ivy
Return To Wonderland

No, this is "Wonderland like we've never seen it". Sounds promising!
I just bought the softback version of this and so far, it's pretty good. I really can't spoil much, as I just began reading it myself, but I wanted to post on it before I moved on and forgot.
It's definitely worth getting.
So, basic summary:
"Years have passed since Alice took her trip down the rabbit hole. She is no longer the little girl you once knew. Alice is now a grown woman with a husband and kids, living the everyday life of a typical housewife. But everything is not what it seems.XD
Alice's mind has become detached from reality, leaving only an empty shell of her former self. Now her daughter, Calie, will follow in her mother's footsteps to discover the truth behind madness that plagues her mother and the twisted world called Wonderland where the story of Alice was only the beginning."
Buy it or borrow it or something.
It's definitely better than the Titans Prelude XD
Soon To Be Mine...

Batman Confidential #32 -
Very excited for this one. Batman goes to Moscow because the guy in charge of the mob in Russia wants to take over the Gotham City mob, so, of course, Batman can't let this happen.
Wait, I thought he was dead?
Deadpool - Merc With a Mouth #2

I've been waiting for the second part of this.
Head Case Pt. 2 - he sees his own zombified head?
And I thought the last issue was good!
Doom Patrol #1 -
I've talked about it before, so we know it's gonna be great. I pre-ordered it online because my local comic store sucks XD
What I am NOT Reading:
The Death of the New Gods.
Sorry, DC, but it's boring and confusing. I had to reread the issues like three times to kind of understand...
DC Comics,
Doom Patrol,
Batman and Robin...Minus the True Batman
Dick Grayson is one of my all-time favorite DC Characters. I really love him! But I hate reading the newest Batman and Robin series, because, as much as I love Nightwing, I love Batman more.
As another comic blogger has stated, there is the old "different personalities" dynamic between Dick and Damian, which a Dick and Tim combo would lack, as they are more like brothers.
But Damian gets to me. I didn't like him in Batman and Son or Battle for the Cowl. He's just annoying. And I really like Tim.
So, don't get me wrong, it's a good series, but I really hate reading it (but I do anyway).
So, Batman and Robin #3 is coming out soon and, yes, I'm going to buy it.
Recap and Review!: "Batman" and "Robin" are up against the Circus of Strange, which are pulling a Gotham-City-Psychopath move and attempting to kill them. There's this guy named Professor Pyg, and they have to defeat him too. But! There's this scarlet hooded person hanging around in the shadows in the upcoming issue. Funny, I swear there's been a red-hooded person in the Batman stories before...*cough*RedHood*cough
Plus, I hate the cover art for this one.
As another comic blogger has stated, there is the old "different personalities" dynamic between Dick and Damian, which a Dick and Tim combo would lack, as they are more like brothers.
But Damian gets to me. I didn't like him in Batman and Son or Battle for the Cowl. He's just annoying. And I really like Tim.
So, don't get me wrong, it's a good series, but I really hate reading it (but I do anyway).
So, Batman and Robin #3 is coming out soon and, yes, I'm going to buy it.
Recap and Review!: "Batman" and "Robin" are up against the Circus of Strange, which are pulling a Gotham-City-Psychopath move and attempting to kill them. There's this guy named Professor Pyg, and they have to defeat him too. But! There's this scarlet hooded person hanging around in the shadows in the upcoming issue. Funny, I swear there's been a red-hooded person in the Batman stories before...*cough*RedHood*cough
Plus, I hate the cover art for this one.
Battle for the Cowl,
DC Comics,
Jason Todd,
Can't Wait!

The Amazing Spider-Man #601 should be good.
It's come out on the 5th, as you should know.
I'm not usually into Spider Man, but it's going to have the return of Mary Jane and some pretty good art.
Plus, the only other thing I have to read is Blackest Night.
I have kinda missed Mary Jane for a while, even if she is a bit of a Mary Sue (and so is Superman in my opinion, but they keep writing stories about him...why not Mary Jane?).
Blackest Night,
Mary Jane,
Blackest Night #2

Definitely better than the first issue.
Bleez (the vampiric Red Lantern) got a spotlight in this one and it was very entertaining. She was a princess and nice person that was changed when she was captured by the Sinestro Corps and tortured at their hands.
It was actually kind of depressing.
I was most interested, though, in the story of Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire) as she was inducted back into the Star Sapphires. I haven't really read Green Lantern for a while, so the look back on her love life was nice. Great art, by the way. Much better than the last issue. Gene Ha and Pete Pantazis did a fabulous job (maybe not their best ever, but I thoroughly enjoyed it).
The finaly tale was about Blume, this kind of member of the Orange Lanterns (he eats the most prized posessions of worlds...).
The issue was a bit predictable, but all in all, better than issue #1. Keep up the good work!
P.s. Yes, there were some other stories and thing,s but Kiliwog has never interested me.
Blackest Night,
DC Comics,
Green Lantern,
Hal Jordan
Emily the Strange - 13th Hour

I just got Emily the Strange - 13th Hour.
Loves it!!
Apparently, Emily wasn't always confident and weird. She used to be a normal kid.
Anyway, she gets this heirloom on her 13th birthday from some relative or whatever and apparently it's "the key" to unlocking her fate and her past, or something.
But El Viego (the villain here) is totally not into this and is determined to get the heirloom!
I'm not going to spoil anymore, because you should read it. I really liked it.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
My Mind Exploded Due to Trinity.

I love Trinity. I really do.
But the further it gets in the series, the more difficult it becomes to follow.
Take issue #42. I got it.
Cheetah vs. Black Adam - check!
The godlike Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman - check!
Hey! Wait!
Yeah, that's where I got confused too. Thankfully, looking back on the Trinity title, I understand now.
It involves a dream, Morgaine Le Fey, and the multiverse.
That's where I stopped.
I just get too freaking confused when the multiple Earths thing happens.
So, so very confused.
Le Fey is trying to destroy the Trinity (Batsy, Supes, and WW), along with Despero. I got that far.
I really do like what Wikipedia has to say about Morgaine trying to understand "why them?"
"As she studies their targets, Morgaine realizes why each third of the Trinity holds his or her share of the power: Batman is the pinnacle of human achievements, physical and mental; Superman is the ultimate freedom fighter, with an absolute will; and Wonder Woman's message inspires all around her to do what is right to the end."I think I'm gonna try re-reading it.
You should too.
DC Comics,
Wonder Woman
Wonderland #1

This is a must read.
It focuses on Mary Ann (remember her from the book?), the White Rabbit's cleaner. She has an obsession with dirt, which kind of makes sense that she's a housemaid.
Anyway, The Queen of Hearts thinks that the White Rabbit was working with Alice to knock her down off of her throne. But...Alice is gone. So, she's going to persecute the White Rabbit. I'm pretty sure that in issue #2, they're on the run from the queen.
Oh, and the Cheshire Cat is there. XD
The art is incredibly, kind of a mixture of styles. We love it!
In issue #4, the Cheshire Cat has tricked the White Rabbit to lead the monstrous Jabberwocky into the royal gardens. And, of course, our heroine is in a little bind as well, trapped somewhere.
I shall spoil no more.
Click here to buy it from the source!
Teen Titans Annual #1 - Deathtrap Prelude

On one hand, I really like the Titans and really don't want to bash them.
On the other hand, this was not the best done Titans comic. It wasn't even close.
It wasn't horrible, but it was pretty bad. Pretty much the only okay thing was the art. The plotline, or what it's going to become (I don't know, I haven't read too much into the Deathtrap series), seems shoddy and the writing is sub-par.
I mean, it could have been good.
I feel for Static. This was his introduction to the Titans label, and this is what they stick him in?
No spoilers for today. I'm still in shock.
Spiderman 4 - How Much Longer?

Yeah, Spideman 3 sucked, just a bit...
But us at Haphazard Heroines are excited for this one!
Kirsten Dunst (Mary Jane Watson) is set to return, despite early rumors that she was leaving.
Hecklerspray never ceases to amuse us.
The New York Post recently spoke to director Todd Black, who has said:
"We're just coming up with who the villain's going to be now. We'll be shooting in New York again. Trust me, people will appreciate who we pick, because it'll be a big part of New York." He also adds that "the villain will be one of Spidey's foes from the comic, not a character invented for the film."
Possibly Kingpin, who is generally seen as a major Spiderman foe. There are major ties between them in the comics and he hasn't been in the movies yet. If only Green Goblin was still around...
Ya know, Lizard would be a good choice! Some people think that's who it will be.
Why did he have to be so vague?!?!?!
Watch This!
I swear, you will love this guy until the end of your days.
The Batman is so funny!
And, for laughs:

I swear, you will love this guy until the end of your days.
The Batman is so funny!
And, for laughs:

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