The movie focuses on the same thing in the comic: a kryptonite meteor is heading straight for Earth, following Superman, so President Lex Luthor orders Superman to turn himself in. Instead, he goes to Batman. They are attacked by villains (Mongol, Solomon Grundy, Silver Banshee and Lady Shiva being among them) and then heroes (Captian Atom, Major Force, Starfire, Black Lightning, etc.). So, Batman and Superman have to team up.
Actually in the movie, the kryptonite meteor "drives Superman mad, leading him to commit murder".
And, via Batman on, we have stills from the upcoming animated movie. Hopefully, you can name them yourself, as I am too lazy to.

This movie will have the voice of Kevin Conroy for Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, and Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor. Others include: John McGinely (Metallo), LeVar Burton (Black Lightning), Xander Berkley (Captain Atom), Allison Mack (Power Girl), Ricardo Chiavera (Major Force), CCH Pounder (Amanda Waller), and a bunch of others.
Bruce Timm (Batman Animated Series, Superman Animated Series) is the executive producer, while Alan Burnett is editing the already amazing script.
Screenwriter Stan Berkowitz has worked on a lot of DC Animated movies. He's doing this one as well, and was interviewed about the movie. On the topic of why he decided to pen this particular movie, he stated:
"In the comic was assumed that everyone knew the backstory to how Luthor got elected President. But we show an audience, who might not be familiar with the comics, exactly what would have to happen for Luthor to be elected. I sort of envisioned Luthor ascending to the Presidency somewhere around 2012...I figured that something bad would happen, and then Democrats would be elected in 2008, they wouldn’t be able to solve the problem and, in 2012, a tough, Ross Perot-style third party bid would be the one who’d be elected."
When asked about how he felt adapting a well known story, he said,
"For Public Enemies, there was also the issue of credibility. We were concerned that if a person who vaguely knows Superman and Batman grabs this off the shelf and sees Lex Luthor as President, he might think, “hey, what’s going on here?” It might just put them off, or make them think this was an alternate world story. And that’s not how it’s advertised. The other credibility issue is that in the comic, Luthor believes that the meteor is coming to Earth because of Superman. As a reader, I could not get past the fact that the public buys Luthor’s explanation. I didn’t believe an audience watching this as an animated production would buy Luthor’s explanation. So Alan (Burnett) and Bruce (Timm) and I had to figure out an alternate way for Luthor to frame Superman. I think it worked very well."
He also, when the interviewer wonders what it is like writing Batman and Superman together, says:
"Well, Batman and Superman are opposites. Superman has always been presented as the character from the light, the daytime; Batman from the nighttime. They have decidedly different outlooks. Superman is the ultimate kid from Kansas, who had a real healthy upbringing. Batman is the tormented orphan. In a way, Superman’s outlook is too sunny, and Batman’s is too dark. The two of them work against each other, trying to temper each other’s attitude.Superman wants to cheer up Batman to a certain extent, and Batman wants to make Superman aware that there is a darker world under what Superman normally sees. It’s fun to create banter between them. It was also fun to adapt the banter that was in the graphic novel, and we used a lot of it. Jeph’s words were so good, we just pulled dialogue directly from the pages of the novel."
The DVD drops on September 29, so be ready, it's only a month (less!) away.
If you want more information:
The Full Interview with StanExtra Information
For the DVD Version on Amazon, click here.
For the Blu-Ray edition, click here.
For the 2-Disc Special Edition, click here.
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