I think I'd kill to be a superhero. I spent yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow too, watching the old 1992 Batman tv show and Justice League Unlimited. Tomorrow I'll probably start Batman: Gotham Knights, just for kicks.
I'm getting depressed thinking about this. Why in the world would God let us imagine all of this awesome stuff, but not have it be real, or humans have the ability? That's cruel. We obviously have a closet sadist up there. I'm seriously contemplating jumping off a rooftop to see what would happen. I want powers!
A list? What a great idea!
My List of Comic Book Characters that I want the Powers Of.
1. Raven (DCAU) - I think I would prefer Raven's powers, but from the DCAU and the comics, just to make me more powerful. Sometimes I find myself pointing at my light or my door, willing it to do what I want. Of course, this never works.
2. Batman/Batgirl/Lady Shiva/Onyx/Nightwing/Robin/Cheshire/Deadshot/Deadpool (DC and Marvel)- I know Batman has no powers, but that's what makes him so heroic! Plus, he has the whole genius thing and "Indomitable Will" going on. I feel like his would be the easiest to manipulate and I really do want to manipulate it, like, in real life. All of the others just rule, epically.
3. The Flash (DC) - I've recently begun thinking about how cool it would be to go super fast, how much fun it would be, and it's uses. I like it.
4. Psylocke (Marvel) - Elizabeth Braddock can do so much with her mind, and I think I would prefer mind powers, hence the obsessive Raven fever.
5. Jinx (DCAU) - Comics and DCAU, def.
6. Black Alice (DC) - Oh, come on, she gets a choice!
7. Ravager (Rose Wilson) (DC) - She kinda fits in with the Batman crowd but she can see the future!!!!
8. Kyle Rayner (DC) - The Green Lantern Ring is the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. Of course I want it! Plus, being an intergalactic cop would be cool.
9. Starfire (DC) - I like what she can do =D
10. Miss Martian (DC) - Another psychic. I enjoy them.
11. Zatanna (DC) - I always wonder if it's hard for her to say something backwards or if it just comes naturally...
12. Isis (DC) - She's magic too! You seeing a pattern as well?
13. Nightshade (DC) - I like the whole "darkness" thing.
14. Troia - Because who wouldn't want the powers of an Amazon? Now, I put her instead of Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Caitlin Fairchild, etc, because THEY ALL ANNOY ME. Eff you Superman.
15. X-23 (Marvel) - A female version of Wolverine, but her spikes can come from her feet too!
16. Wind Dancer (Marvel) - There's just something about controlling wind that is endearing XD
17. Dr. Fate - Yet another "magic wielder". I like to call him "The Wizard", but that may be too reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz.
18. Jericho (DC) - Possession? Cool! Plus, Deathstroke would be my father! Well, same with Ravager...
19. Black Canary (DC) - She pwns.
20. Faith (DC) - Mind, yet again, along with...
21. White Queen (Emma Frost) (Marvel) - Le sigh. I am addicted.
22. Mystique (Marvel) - This would be fun and useful!
23. Gypsy (DC) - Mind, again! I don't see her often so I truly do appreciate her.
24. Arsenal/Speedy (DC) - they're too cool. And she has HIV, which is interesting.
25. Ice (DC) - Not a mind power, but it seems interesting and kind of fun, plus, easy to use.
26. Moonstone (Marvel) - Eh, maybe it's not her powers but her. I like her but come on! Gravity manipulation rocks!
27. Meggan (Marvel) - She just seems so Earthy...everything I'm not.
28. Poison Ivy (DC) - Yes, I know she's a criminal, but she seems fun, along with Harley Quinn.
29. Terra (DC) - She may have been evil, but her powers still pwned.
30.Joker (DC) - I wonder what it would be like to be insane...I do wish to know. I may try it out someday.
So, yes. Goodbye and Goodnight.
- Last Will and Testament
- World War III
- Justice for All
- Spotlight: Nightwing!
- Titans #8: A Villain Hides Within The Titans
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time For Some Deadpool Action!
Oh, I found the funniest bit of a comic (a Marvel comic, mind you) on Wikipedia yesterday.

Fanfiction Spotlight:
- loving Savior
- so smart sounding
- long chapters

Fanfiction Spotlight:
- loving Savior
- so smart sounding
- long chapters
Friday, August 1, 2008
DC Heroes tend to be better than Marvel ones

So, as the majority of my friends know by now, I absolutely adore comics. Have for years. I prefer DC over Marvel, but either are fine with me. My sister and I have been wondering lately who the best villains (not all comic book ones) are. So we made a top 5. Also, I'd like to post my top 10 favorite heroes list. So here ya go!
Top 5 Villains of All Time:
1. The Joker: Come on, you know he's cool. He's not superpowered but he is still a dangerous enemy to all, especially Batsy. Every time I see him portrayed in media, I love it. Jack Nicholson was great as the Joker in the '80s and I loved Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. Inspired. Though he did lick his lips a lot. Hm. Anyway, he's so awesome. The Joker is a psychotic villain who doesn't mind killing and loves a good joke. What's not to love?
2. Lord Voldemort: An evil wizard who continually takes over the magical world. That's pretty cool, dontcha think? Well, I do. He may have parental issues and be obsessive over a teenager (pedophilic much?), but he actually takes over, unlike people like the lame Lex Luthor. Voldemort gets what he wants, but he really overlooks things. Harry really pulled it over him on him in the final battle. In the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie, I particularly enjoy the scene close to the end where he tells Pesky Potter that he will lose...everything. Now that's catchy.
3. Magneto: This guy is a mutant...who can control metal with his mind. That's awesome! I wish I had that power. And in the X-Men movies, he's pretty hardcore. He kills men by stealing the iron from their bodies and he uses Jean Grey for his own purposes. He rocks!
4. Darth Vader: He's got a lightsaber. The force is with him. He had a romance with Natalie Portman. He's cool. Darth Vader, or Darthie, as I like to call him, is a great, heroic guy at first. Then this crazy Sith Lord corrupts him and makes him the most fearsome weapon in the universe. He looks strange when he takes the mask off, but no matter, he's still super powerful.
5. Deathstroke the Terminator: Slade Wilson has a long track record. He hunts down the Teen Titans. He blew Kid Flash's knee apart. He killed his own son. He pumped his daughter, Rose, full of super serum. He recruited people for his own Titans East, then tried to kill the real ones. He pumped Batgirl, Cassandra Cain, full of the stuff too. He murdered his longtime friend. He has a thing for a boy in tights. He's so cool! He is an awesome assassin, first in my list of four
(followed by Lady Shiva, David Cain, and Deadshot). He terrifies even the JLA. He terrifies me too, come to think of it.
Next up, my top 10 heroes of all time!
Top 10 Comic Book Heroes of All Time:
1. Raven (Teen Titans - DCComics): I have to say she's awesome. She has a demon father and that gets her in all kinds of trouble. Deathstroke and Ravager tried to kill her, Brother Blood tried to marry her, and countless other villains have tried to harm her. None of those worked, by the way. Raven kicked butt in the comics and on the animated television show. My ideal Raven would be a mixture. I liked the way Raven looked in the comics, but I want the powers from the show. She had more there. Plus, in the show, she was so much more creepy. Loved it! Too bad they canceled the show. They should bring it back, immediately! Haha, well, I think she's the best.
2. Batman (DC Comics): I loathe Superman but Batman is just the opposite. He has so many cool moments. Plus, he doesn't have powers, and I idolize him for that. Lol, I'm idolizing a fictional character. *sigh*, well, that's what comic books do to you. Anyway, he can do, like, anything. In Justice League, the animated show, he's so awesome, getting all of these cool lines. Plus, non of his movies bombed at the box office *cough*Supergirl*cough* =D Christian Bale is awesome playing him but Adam West is the true Batman. I could go on and on, but there are other heroes waiting.
3. Batgirl (Any version - DC Comics): Come on, any person trained by Batman is gonna be good. I mean, look at Robin! Plus, there is finally a girl in the Bat-Family. I guess I love Barbara Gordon most, and she will always be the classic Batgirl in my eyes, but Cassandra Cain really isn't that bad. I love that her parents are two deadly assassins. Barbara Gordon kicks butt as Batgirl, then when she is crippled by the Joker, she fights crime as Oracle. She never gives up, I swear. All Cassandra does is head the League of Assassins for a bit...oh, wait, never mind. It doesn't really matter which Batgirl it is, because either way, someone's going down.
4. J'onn J'onzz a.k.a. The Martian Manhunter (DC Comics): He's from Mars, which I think is pretty cool, and he has all of these awesome powers. I feel for him, you know, losing his people and all, but I think he found a good life on Earth. Maybe he isn't as awesome as Batman, but he sure knows how to make an entrance.
5. Robin the Boy Wonder (Richard Grayson, Nightwing, Teen Titans, DC Comics): The reason that I chose this Robin in particular was that he really had a reason. Jason Todd was a loser, Tim Drake only got his reason after his father died, and Stephanie Brown just wanted to be cooler. Richard Grayson watched his parents die and knew that he needed to avenge them. Sure, Tim Drake discovered Batman's identity, but Dick actually lived with the guy. That must have sucked. Anyway, not only did he have a reason, he stuck to it, saving a bunch of people's lives, even after he left Batman and created the Teen Titans. When he left the Teen Titans, it was to save more people, just in a different group, The Outsiders. He goes solo every once in a while, too. Richard learned to loosen up and is super awesome. I like that the Teen Titans series used Dick Grayson as Robin, and not Tim Drake, otherwise it wouldn't have really felt right.
6. Zatanna Zatara (DC Comics): She can conjure up almost anything and all she has to do is say what she wants backwards. It's an awesome power to have. Sometimes I feel like magic is the best power in the DCU, either because I am an obsessive HP fan, or maybe because it's so useful. Zatanna is helpful, awesome, and a girl, which rocks. I am completely against the sexism in comic book (examples: crippling Batgirl, removing Negative Woman's powers, fake killing Spoiler, the torture of Black Canary, the depowerment of Dawnstar). Women in Refrigerator's Syndrome must end! The depowered Zatanna, which made me mad. Anyway, go Zatanna! You are so much cooler than Zatara!
7. The Question (DC Comics): I like Vic Sage and Renee Montoya, but if I had to choose...Vic Sage. He's got the mystery thing going on. I became interested in this character when I was watching Justice League Unlimited, and he became a main character in one season.
8. Engineer II (DC Comics): Haven't read much about her yet but she's super powerful and I like her attitude so far. She'll go far.
9. Cyborg (Teen Titans - DC Comics): They call him the tin man with a heart. He's been transformed into a cyborg but he's still pretty awesome. He's coped with it well and enjoys training young heroes, like the New Teen Titans. Plus, he's got a sonic cannon! =D
10. The Flash (Wally West - DC Comics): He's super fast, funny, and has a conscience. I love the way he was portrayed in the animated series, Justice League. I thought that they did it perfectly. Anyway, he's pretty cool, but I got mad at him in A Kid's Game, he thought Bart would never be a good Flash. Well, Bart showed him! Wally redeemed himself in my eyes during the whole mess with Superboy-Prime and the Speed Force.
My longer list includes heroes such as Beast Boy, Doctor Fate, Black Canary, Speedy, and Mister Miracle. I have a few Marvel heroes, such as Rogue, Wind Dancer, Wolverine, and x-23.
So, that's my post for today. I'll post other things soon, just for you.
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